Tunde Ijaodola, fiancé of late Nollywood actress, Bisi Komolafe has returned the controversial car belonging to his deceased lover. He deposited the vehicle, an Honda Pilot SUV, at Bisi`s home in Ikorodu, Lagos last week Monday. E24-7 Magazine reliably gathered that a mild drama would have played out but for the fact that the two parties engaged themselves in a mature manner.
Meanwhile, the SUV has since been taken to the family home of Bisi in Ibadan. Tunde also confirmed the development in an interview. “Yes I have returned the car and all other properties to the family.” When asked to mention the other properties he returned, he said: “I don’t want to disclose those items, but right now I feel at peace with myself that I have returned the car and all of her other properties with me.”
He lamented that he was a largely misunderstood person but did not blame the family of his late fiancée for their positions. “I think a lot of views were accommodated coupled with unsubstantiated stories from the media. I love every bit of Olabisi and I will miss her forever.”
Choked with emotions, he said Bisi has left a big vacuum in his life and in her remembrance he vowed that he will never date or marry an actress in his life again. He told E24-7Magazine in an exclusive interview on Saturday that the decision not to seek love from actresses again was to honour Bisi whom he repeatedly referred to as his wife, even in death. “I can never date or marry an actress again. It is to honour Olabisi who loved me 500 percent even though my love to her was 150 percent. This afternoon, right here in my sitting room, I have thought about her and the great moments we shared together. She was a very promising girl. You can imagine what I’m going through right now? I cannot watch movies! I cannot drive on the streets and look at posters of movies. So, it’s a painful exit of a great talent and you can imagine all the insinuations about me. I’m 33-years old and what would I do or gain from using Olabisi’s body for any evil. I need her more in life than in death.”
Tunde spoke on the perception that he was a gigolo living off the late actress. “It’s ridiculous the way many people reason. I have thought about it this afternoon here that why would anybody think I was living off Olabisi? Let me say this: you know the lifestyle of our girls in Nigeria, let alone our actresses, do you think someone who is not buoyant enough can keep any relationship with them? I won’t say more than that.”
He also spoke on insinuations that he plans to go back to his estranged wife in Canada.
“Going back to my wife is a no-no. I promised Olabisi before her death that I wouldn’t go back to her and those promises I will keep. Let me also say that she was not in the picture when I took the decision to call it quit with my ex-wife. No, it was after things went sour with my ex-wife that I met Olabisi sometime in 2010 when I came home to do politics. And when I met her, I found an angel, a rare woman and since then I did not look back. I wish people could see how wonderful, loving and interesting our love life was until this unfortunate incident. We carefully lived away from the media; nobody ever read anything about me or about our romance.
Asked if he had learnt any lesson from the situation, he said, “I have learnt that it is good to keep away from the media. I will keep away from the media.”
