New Music: Frankie Free – Esmalia

As the release date of the “Diary Of A Hustler” mix-tape by Frankie Free comes to a close, he decides to put out another a track off it. This one, titled “E Sweet Me And I Like Am [ESMAILA]” is a combination of 2 South music raves of the moment, talking about Frankie Free himself andDJ Toxiq-ADJ Toxiq-A who produced “Roll-1“, the 1st track off this “Diary Of A Hustler” mix-tape comes through on this one again whilst carefully sampling “Love Is Wicked” by Brick & Lace. The mix-tape sure is looking to be an entertaining one in all feats as it boasts of different genre of music which cuts across different classes of the masses. Listen up and share your thoughts. | ENJOY!!!
